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ongoing review中文是什么意思

用"ongoing review"造句"ongoing review"怎么读"ongoing review" in a sentence


  • 持续性审查


  • There were suggestions that the ongoing review on the social security scheme , should explore the possible expansion of financial sources to support the system
  • And over the past year , green vanguards members have explored local environmental issues and conceived an action plan , which they have followed with ongoing reviews and improvements
  • But , the government considered that the abuse of cssa was an operational rather than a policy matter and social welfare department ( swd ) all along had been conducting ongoing review of the fraud investigation mechanism
  • In its meeting today , members re - examined the measures as part of its ongoing review in the light of the recent outbreak of acute respiratory illness in an elderly residential care facility in british columbia , canada
  • Manage and supervise office supply to meet business requirements as well as following company ' s policies and procedures , ongoing review of suppliers to achieve optimum service quality , including office supplies vendors , office equipment and furnishing vendors and contractors as cleaning , transportation and other services
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